Wheel Chasers

The Shifting Landscape: Car Ownership Trends in New Jersey

The Rise of Car Ownership in New Jersey

Cars have played a central role in shaping the modern world we live in and New Jersey is no exception. Today, its hard to imagine life without cars, but it wasnt long ago that cars were a luxury item few could afford.

In this article, we will explore the history of car ownership in New Jersey and the top car manufacturers in the state.

The Early Days of Car Ownership in New Jersey

Car ownership in New Jersey dates back to the early 1900s, not long after the invention of the automobile. However, the high cost of cars meant that they were only accessible to the wealthy few.

By 1920, only about 20% of American households owned a car. The automobile industry thrived in the 1920s thanks to the growth of mass production techniques introduced by Henry Ford.

This made cars more affordable, and car ownership rates skyrocketed. It wasn’t until after World War II that car ownership rates really took off in New Jersey.

During the economic boom of the post-war period, increasing numbers of people moved to New Jersey for work. This, combined with the growth of suburban development, meant that people needed cars to get around.

As a result, car ownership rates soared. Today, New Jersey has one of the highest car ownership rates in the United States.

Top Car Manufacturers in New Jersey

1. Ford

Ford Motor Company is one of the largest and most profitable car manufacturers in the world.

Its presence in New Jersey has been felt since the early days of the automobile. In 1915, Ford opened a factory in New Jersey that produced up to 100 cars a day.

Today, the company operates several facilities in the state, producing everything from engines to transmissions. 2.

General Motors

General Motors (GM) is another major car manufacturer with a significant presence in New Jersey. The company operates a transmission factory in the state that employs over 350 people.

This factory plays a key role in producing parts for GM’s vehicles across the United States. 3.


Chrysler is another major car manufacturer with a presence in New Jersey. The company operates a research and development facility in Newark that focuses on improving the performance and efficiency of their vehicles.

This facility employs some of the brightest engineering minds in the industry. 4.


While Toyota is not based in New Jersey, the company has a manufacturing plant in Princeton. This plant employs over 2,000 people and produces over 400,000 vehicles each year.

Its a testament to the importance of New Jersey in the automobile industry that even companies not based in the state choose to operate there because of its strong infrastructure and skilled workforce.


Car ownership has come a long way since the early days of the automobile. Today, cars are not just a luxury item but a necessity for people living in New Jersey.

The presence of major car manufacturers in the state is a testament to its importance in the industry. With the rise of electric and self-driving cars, the future of the automobile industry is as exciting and unpredictable as ever.

Changes in Car Ownership Trends Over Time

The relationship between people and cars has been a long-standing one and has undergone significant shifts over the years, and that has manifested itself in the changes in car ownership trends over time. The cars we own now and the way we use them are vastly different from what was obtainable some decades back.

The following are some of the significant changes that have occurred in car ownership trends over the years.

Less Unique Cars

In the past, having a car was considered a luxury, and owning one was also an indication of social class. Consequently, people prioritized individuality and uniqueness in their choice of cars.

People could customize their cars to their taste, and cars represented their personalities. However, with the explosion in the mass production of cars, the need for individuality has taken a backseat, and people now go for more practical options that suit their needs.

Increased Dependence on Cars

The advent of suburbia in the 1950s and 1960s fundamentally changed car ownership trends. People needed cars to get around, and this, coupled with the rise of the interstate highway system, led to a surge in car ownership.

Today, the car is an integral part of modern life for many people, and it is almost impossible to get around in many parts of the world without one.

Increased Environmental Awareness

While car ownership has increased over time, so has environmental awareness, which has resulted in increased scrutiny for car manufacturers. Fuel efficiency and hybrid cars have become more popular as they help reduce carbon emissions, air pollution, and dependence on fossil fuels.

Increase in Ridesharing

In recent times, there has been a shift in car ownership trends due to the rise of ridesharing. A lot of people are beginning to see the need to own cars as unnecessary when they can easily hail a ride with apps like Uber and Lyft.

It is now becoming possible to enjoy the convenience of having a car and not owning one, making it cheaper and more sustainable for consumers.

Most Popular Car Models in New Jersey

1. Honda Civic

The Honda Civic has been one of the most popular cars in New Jersey for many years.

It is a compact, reliable, and fuel-efficient car that is also affordable. Honda Civics are known for their durability and are a common choice for those in need of a practical car.

2. Toyota Camry

The Toyota Camry is a midsize car that is popular in New Jersey due to its excellent safety ratings and reliability.

It’s a comfortable car with a spacious interior that provides enough legroom for passengers. The Camry is also fuel-efficient, making it a popular choice for those in need of a practical car for everyday use.

3. Jeep Cherokee

The Jeep Cherokee is one of the most popular SUVs in New Jersey.

Its design makes it an ideal car for all-weather conditions, and it is perfect for people who enjoy outdoor activities. It has a spacious cabin, making it comfortable for passengers.

4. Subaru Forester

Subaru has a strong reputation for manufacturing durable vehicles designed for off-road activities.

The Subaru Forester is among the models of Subaru that is particularly popular in New Jersey and is known for its all-wheel drive, which is perfect for navigating through winter weather. 5.

Chevrolet Equinox

The Chevrolet Equinox is among the most popular crossovers in the state of New Jersey. It is an affordable car that offers excellent safety features.

It is a practical car with enough space for passengers and cargo.


Car ownership trends have changed over the years with the rise of new technologies and changes in consumer preferences. Car manufacturers have had to adapt to these changes and produce cars that meet new and evolving demands.

Successful car models today are those that are practical, fuel-efficient, and durable. While car ownership remains essential for many people in New Jersey, the rise of ridesharing, electric cars, and self-driving cars indicates that car ownership trends are still in a state of flux.

Reasons behind the Popularity of Certain Car Models

Car manufacturers have spent decades perfecting their craft, with the goal of producing cars that appeal to consumers. Certain car models have become so popular that they have become classic cars, with a longstanding reputation for quality and reliability.

In this section, we will explore some reasons behind the popularity of certain car models.

Design and Styling

One significant reason why certain car models have become popular is their design and styling. Cars with unique and timeless designs tend to age well and remain popular even after many years.

Examples of such cars include the Ford Mustang, which is known for its sporty design, and the Volkswagen Beetle, which has remained a pop culture icon since its inception.

Reliability and Durability

Reliability and durability are essential features of a car that is likely to remain popular among consumers. Automobiles built for endurance and sustainability are attractive to buyers because they offer peace of mind and have a lower cost of ownership.

For instance, the Toyota Corolla, a popular car model for several decades, offers both quality and reliability. The Honda Accord also has a noteworthy reputation for its quality and longevity.

Performance and Handling

Cars that offer excellent performance and handling capabilities, such as the BMW 3 Series and the Porsche 911, are popular among car enthusiasts. Consumers that enjoy the thrill of driving and revel in the power and control that their car provides often favor these models.

Fuel Economy

Fuel efficiency is positively linked with the popularity of cars, especially at a time when there is a growing interest in reducing carbon emissions. Vehicles such as the Toyota Prius, which are energy-efficient and eco-friendly, have become increasingly popular in recent years.

Car Ownership Demographics in New Jersey

The demographic makeup of car owners in New Jersey is a reflection of the population living in the state. The following are some of the characteristics that define car ownership demographics in New Jersey.


The age of car owners in New Jersey varies, but the majority of drivers tend to be between the ages of 25 and 64. Younger generations are increasingly moving away from car ownership, preferring to use ridesharing services instead.

Older generations tend to prefer traditional car ownership to maintain mobility and independence.


Income is one of the significant factors that determine car ownership in New Jersey. Cars tend to be more expensive, and the higher the income of an individual, the more likely they are to own a car.

Lower-income families, on the other hand, are less likely to own a car, which often limits their access to employment and essential services.


New Jersey has a dense population with areas of high urbanization, which often leads to different car ownership patterns. People living in high-density areas are less likely to own a car than those who live in suburban or rural areas.

In cities, people tend to rely on public transportation or ride-sharing services as a cheaper alternative to car ownership.


In New Jersey, men are more likely to own a car than women. However, there is an increase in cases where women tend to have more purchasing power to own cars, leading to an increase in the number of women who own vehicles.


Factors that shape the popularity of certain car models evolve over time, as the needs and preferences of consumers continue to change. Similarly, demographics that influence car ownership trends vary across regions and localities.

It is essential for car manufacturers to take these factors into consideration when creating new designs and marketing strategies, so as to appeal to a diverse range of consumers. In New Jersey, car ownership is largely influenced by income, location, age, and gender, and has remained an integral part of modern life.

Impact of Car Ownership on the Environment

Car ownership has a significant impact on the environment, and as concerns about climate change and air pollution continue to grow, it is essential to understand the environmental consequences of car ownership. The following are some of the key ways in which car ownership impacts the environment.

1. Greenhouse Gas Emissions

One of the primary environmental consequences of car ownership is the release of greenhouse gases (GHGs) into the atmosphere.

Cars emit carbon dioxide (CO2), a major contributor to climate change. The burning of fossil fuels in cars releases CO2, trapping heat in the earth’s atmosphere and contributing to global warming.

In New Jersey, the high rate of car ownership means that there is a significant amount of CO2 emissions from vehicles, which contributes to the state’s overall carbon footprint. 2.

Air Pollution

Cars also contribute to air pollution, especially in areas with heavy traffic congestion. The combustion of fossil fuels in a car’s engine produces pollutants such as nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can lead to the formation of ground-level ozone and smog.

These pollutants have been linked to respiratory problems, lung cancer, and other adverse health effects. In densely populated regions of New Jersey, the concentration of pollutants from cars can become a significant health concern.

3. Habitat Destruction

The land required for building roads, highways, and parking lots has a significant impact on natural habitats, leading to habitat destruction and fragmentation.

This can disrupt ecosystems and displace wildlife, further contributing to the loss of biodiversity. 4.

Resource Consumption

The manufacturing, maintenance, and disposal of cars require significant amounts of energy and resources. The production of cars involves the extraction of raw materials, such as steel, aluminum, and rubber, which require energy and often result in habitat destruction.

Additionally, the energy used in the production of cars contributes to carbon emissions. The disposal of cars at the end of their lifespan also poses challenges, as many car components are not easily recyclable.

Future of Car Ownership in New Jersey

The future of car ownership in New Jersey is likely to be shaped by evolving technologies, changing consumer preferences, and government policies aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainable transportation. Here are some trends that may shape the future of car ownership in the state.

1. Electric Vehicles (EVs)

As concerns about climate change and air pollution continue to grow, the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) is expected to increase.

EVs produce zero tailpipe emissions, making them a more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional gasoline-powered cars. The availability of charging infrastructure and government incentives for EVs will play a crucial role in determining their popularity and adoption rates in New Jersey.

2. Shared Mobility

With the rise of ride-sharing services and the increasing acceptance of shared transportation modes, such as car-sharing and bike-sharing, car ownership patterns may shift towards shared mobility.

Shared mobility reduces the need for individual car ownership, resulting in reduced traffic congestion, less demand for parking spaces, and lower carbon emissions. The popularity of shared mobility will likely depend on factors such as convenience, affordability, and access to reliable transportation options.

3. Autonomous Vehicles (AVs)

The development and deployment of autonomous vehicles (AVs) have the potential to revolutionize car ownership.

AVs could lead to increased safety, reduced traffic congestion, and more efficient transportation systems. However, the mass adoption of AVs also raises concerns about job displacement, infrastructure requirements, and the need for regulations to ensure safety and privacy.

4. Transportation Planning and Infrastructure

To encourage sustainable transportation options, transportation planning and infrastructure development in New Jersey will need to prioritize public transit, biking, and pedestrian infrastructure.

Investments in public transit systems, including light rail and bus rapid transit, can provide viable alternatives to car ownership and reduce dependence on private vehicles. Additionally, the development of safe and connected bike lanes and walkways can encourage active modes of transportation.


Car ownership has a significant impact on the environment, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions, air pollution, habitat destruction, and resource consumption. The future of car ownership in New Jersey is likely to be shaped by the increasing popularity of electric vehicles, the rise of shared mobility, the development of autonomous vehicles, and the prioritization of sustainable transportation options in transportation planning and infrastructure development.

As concerns about the environment grow, it is crucial to explore alternative forms of transportation and adopt greener practices to mitigate the environmental consequences of car ownership.

Most Common Reasons for Car Accidents in New Jersey

Car accidents are unfortunate events that often result in property damage, injuries, and sometimes even fatalities. Understanding the common reasons for car accidents is crucial for promoting road safety and taking measures to prevent these accidents.

In this section, we will explore the most common reasons for car accidents in New Jersey. 1.

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in New Jersey. Activities such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, adjusting the radio, or using navigation systems divert a driver’s attention from the road and increase the risk of a collision.

In an effort to address this issue, New Jersey has implemented strict laws against distracted driving, including a ban on handheld cellphone use while driving. 2.


Speeding is a common contributing factor in car accidents. When drivers exceed the speed limit, they have less time to react to changes on the road, increasing the likelihood of a collision.

Speeding also reduces a driver’s ability to control the vehicle, especially in adverse weather conditions. To combat this issue, New Jersey has implemented speed limits and conducts regular speed enforcement activities to deter drivers from speeding.

3. Drunk Driving

Driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense that significantly increases the risk of a car accident.

Impaired drivers have reduced reaction times, impaired judgment, and diminished cognitive abilities, making it difficult for them to safely operate a vehicle. New Jersey has strict laws against drunk driving and employs measures such as sobriety checkpoints and ignition interlock devices to combat this problem.

4. Reckless Driving

Reckless driving involves engaging in behavior that disregards the safety of others on the road.

This includes actions such as aggressive driving, tailgating, improper lane changes, and running red lights. Reckless driving not only endangers the driver but also puts others at risk.

In New Jersey, reckless driving is a serious offense and can result in hefty fines, license suspension, or even jail time. 5.

Weather Conditions

New Jersey experiences a wide range of weather conditions throughout the year, including snow, ice, rain, and fog. Inclement weather can significantly impact road conditions, making it more challenging for drivers to maintain control of their vehicles.

Poor visibility, slippery surfaces, and reduced traction increase the risk of accidents. It is important for drivers to adjust their driving behavior and be extra cautious during adverse weather conditions.

Road Safety and Traffic Laws in New Jersey

To ensure road safety, New Jersey has implemented a comprehensive set of traffic laws that govern the behavior of drivers, pedestrians, and other road users. The following are key aspects of road safety and traffic laws in the state.

1. Seatbelt Laws

Seatbelt laws in New Jersey require all drivers and passengers, including those in the backseat, to wear seatbelts.

Failure to comply with seatbelt laws can result in fines and penalties. Wearing seatbelts significantly improves the chances of surviving a car accident and reduces the risk of serious injury.

2. Traffic Signal Laws

New Jersey’s traffic signal laws require drivers to obey traffic signals, including traffic lights, stop signs, and yield signs.

Failing to obey traffic signals can lead to serious accidents and legal consequences. It is essential for drivers to be aware of and adhere to traffic signal laws to maintain orderly and safe flow of traffic.

3. Right of Way Laws

Right of way laws in New Jersey govern how drivers should yield to other vehicles or pedestrians in certain situations.

Understanding and following right of way laws is crucial in preventing accidents. Failure to yield when required can result in collisions and legal liability.

4. Cellphone Use Laws

In New Jersey, it is illegal to use handheld cellphones while driving.

This includes texting, talking, and any other form of cellphone use that requires holding the phone. Violating cellphone use laws can result in fines and points on the driver’s license.

Hands-free devices are permissible for cellphone use while driving. 5.

Pedestrian Laws

New Jersey has specific laws to protect pedestrians and ensure their safety. Drivers are required to stop and yield to pedestrians in crosswalks and at intersections, whether marked or unmarked.

Pedestrians also have a responsibility to use crosswalks and follow traffic signals. Understanding and respecting pedestrian laws is crucial for preventing accidents.


Understanding the common reasons for car accidents and adhering to road safety and traffic laws are fundamental in ensuring safe and responsible driving in New Jersey. Distracted driving, speeding, drunk driving, reckless driving, and poor weather conditions are significant contributors to accidents in the state.

By promoting awareness, enforcing laws, and implementing measures to prevent these behaviors, New Jersey can strive towards reducing car accidents and creating safer roadways for everyone.

Impact of COVID-19 on Car Ownership and Usage in New Jersey

The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about unprecedented changes in our daily lives, including the way we use and own cars. In New Jersey, a state heavily impacted by the pandemic, the effects on car ownership and usage have been profound.

Here, we will explore the impact of COVID-19 on car ownership and usage in New Jersey. 1.

Increase in Private Car Ownership

As the pandemic unfolded, many individuals in New Jersey sought to limit their exposure to others and public transportation by purchasing their own vehicles. This resulted in a surge in private car ownership as people looked for safer alternatives for commuting and traveling.

The increased demand for cars led to shortages in inventory, and dealerships experienced a rise in sales. 2.

Carpooling and Ride-Sharing Decline

With social distancing protocols in place, carpooling and ride-sharing experienced a significant decline during the pandemic. The fear of being in close proximity to strangers and the need to limit contact with others led to a decline in these shared transportation practices.

As a result, more individuals in New Jersey chose to rely on their own vehicles for transportation. 3.

Remote Work and Reduced Commuting

The shift towards remote work arrangements during the pandemic also had an impact on car usage in New Jersey. Many individuals were no longer commuting daily to their workplaces, leading to reduced car usage and less traffic on the roads.

As remote work became more common, some households found that they could reduce the number of vehicles owned, as there was no longer a need for multiple cars for commuting purposes. 4.

Car Sharing and Subscription Services

While car ownership increased, the pandemic also posed challenges for car-sharing and subscription services. These services, which allow individuals to rent cars on a short-term basis, saw a decline in demand as people were hesitant to use shared vehicles due to hygiene concerns.

Companies operating in this space had to implement enhanced cleaning protocols and adapt their services to meet safety guidelines.

Car Inspection and Registration Requirements in New Jersey

Car inspection and registration requirements are essential in ensuring the safety and proper functioning of vehicles on the roads. In New Jersey, there are specific regulations and processes in place for car inspection and registration.

Here are the key details regarding car inspection and registration requirements in the state. Car Inspection:

In New Jersey, all registered vehicles are required to undergo periodic inspections to ensure they meet certain safety and emissions standards.

The inspection program is managed by the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC). 1.

Inspections Frequency:

– New vehicles: The initial inspection must occur within five years of the vehicle’s model year. – Older vehicles: Vehicles over five model years old must be inspected every two years.

2. Components Inspected:

– Safety: Inspectors check the vehicle’s brakes, tires, steering, lights, and horn.

– Emissions: Inspections assess the vehicle’s exhaust system and emissions control components to ensure compliance with state emissions standards. 3.

Inspection Stations:

– Inspections must be conducted at authorized New Jersey Inspection Stations, which are licensed by the MVC. Car Registration:

Vehicle registration is a legal requirement for operating a car on New Jersey’s roads.

The registration process involves obtaining a license plate, registration card, and ensuring proof of insurance. 1.

Registration Renewal:

– Registration typically needs to be renewed annually on the vehicle owner’s birthday. – The renewal process is completed through the MVC’s online portal, by mail, or in-person at a local MVC office.

2. Proof of Insurance:

– To register a vehicle, the owner must provide proof of liability insurance coverage meeting New Jersey’s minimum requirements.

3. Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) Verification:

– During registration or re-registration, the vehicle’s identification number (VIN) is verified to ensure it matches the documentation.

It is important for vehicle owners in New Jersey to adhere to the car inspection and registration requirements to avoid penalties, fines, and potential violations.


The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on car ownership and usage in New Jersey. The increased demand for private car ownership, decline in carpooling and ride-sharing, remote work arrangements, and challenges for car-sharing services have reshaped the way people use cars.

Additionally, understanding and complying with the car inspection and registration requirements in New Jersey are crucial for ensuring road safety and legal compliance. As the pandemic continues to evolve, the long-term effects on car ownership and usage in New Jersey are yet to be fully realized.

Most Popular Car Dealerships in New Jersey

When it comes to purchasing a new or used car, finding a reliable and reputable dealership is crucial. In New Jersey, there are numerous car dealerships offering a wide range of vehicle options to suit different budgets and preferences.

Here, we will explore some of the most popular car dealerships in New Jersey. 1.

Cherry Hill Nissan

Cherry Hill Nissan is a highly regarded dealership known for its extensive inventory and exceptional customer service. Located in Cherry Hill, New Jersey, this dealership offers a wide range of new Nissan models as well as pre-owned vehicles.

Customers appreciate the knowledgeable and friendly sales staff who strive to provide an enjoyable car-buying experience. 2.

Open Road Volkswagen of Bridgewater

Open Road Volkswagen of Bridgewater is a trusted dealership that specializes in Volkswagen vehicles. Located in Bridgewater, New Jersey, this dealership offers a diverse selection of new and used Volkswagen models.

Customers appreciate the attention to detail and professional service provided by the staff, making it a popular choice for Volkswagen enthusiasts. 3.

Autoland Toyota Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram

Autoland is a well-known dealership with a strong presence in New Jersey. With locations in Springfield and Roselle, this dealership offers a wide range of new and used vehicles from popular brands such as Toyota, Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, and Ram.

Customers appreciate the wide selection, competitive pricing, and attentive customer service provided by Autoland. 4.

Lynnes Nissan City

Lynnes Nissan City, located in Bloomfield, New Jersey, is a reputable dealership offering a comprehensive range of Nissan vehicles. Customer satisfaction is a top priority for this dealership, as it focuses on providing a stress-free car-buying experience.

The knowledgeable staff, extensive inventory, and fair pricing make Lynnes Nissan City a popular choice among consumers. 5.

Honda of Turnersville

Honda of Turnersville is a highly regarded dealership catering to the needs of Honda enthusiasts in New Jersey. Located in Turnersville, this dealership offers a wide selection of new and used Honda vehicles.

Customers appreciate the dealership’s dedication to customer satisfaction, transparent pricing, and friendly sales staff.

Benefits and Drawbacks of Owning a Car in New Jersey

Owning a car in New Jersey provides numerous benefits, but it also has its drawbacks. Understanding these advantages and disadvantages is essential for individuals considering car ownership in the state.

Benefits of Owning a Car in New Jersey:

1. Convenience and Mobility: Having a car in New Jersey allows for greater mobility and convenience, providing the freedom to travel wherever and whenever needed.

It eliminates the reliance on public transportation schedules and provides flexibility for commuting, running errands, and exploring the state. 2.

Independence: Owning a car provides a sense of independence by giving individuals the ability to travel without relying on others. It allows for spontaneous trips, whether for work, leisure, or emergencies.

3. Accessibility: In certain areas of New Jersey, public transportation options may be limited.

Owning a car ensures access to areas without reliable or direct public transit routes, allowing individuals to reach places that may not be easily accessible by other means. 4.

Safety: A well-maintained and properly operated car can provide a safer option for transportation. It allows individuals to control their environment, providing a sense of security and safety while on the road.

Drawbacks of Owning a Car in New Jer

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