Wheel Chasers

Maintaining BMW Key Fob Performance: Essential Battery Replacement Tips

Understanding BMW Key Fob Batteries

Do you own a BMW car? If you do, then you are probably familiar with the key fob that came with it.

Key fobs are sleek electronic devices that allow you to lock and unlock your car, activate the alarm, and even start the engine. These devices are battery-powered and need to be replaced when the battery is low.

In this article, we will discuss the different types of batteries used in BMW key fobs and the signs that indicate the battery needs to be changed.

Types of Batteries Used in BMW Key Fobs

There are mainly two types of batteries used in BMW key fobs. 1.

Lithium Coin Cell Batteries

Lithium coin cell batteries are the most common type of battery used in BMW key fobs. These tiny batteries are flat and round in shape, measuring between 5mm to 25mm in diameter, and come in various sizes.

They have a nominal voltage of 3 volts and are lightweight, making them ideal for use in small electronic devices like key fobs. 2.

Rechargeable Batteries

Some BMW key fobs use rechargeable batteries. These batteries are designed to be recharged using a special charger provided with the key fob.

Rechargeable batteries last longer than disposable batteries and are more sustainable because they can be reused.

Signs that Indicate the Battery Needs to Be Changed

The battery in your BMW key fob will eventually run out of power, and you will need to replace it. Here are the signs that indicate that the battery needs to be changed:


The Key Fob Doesn’t Work

If your key fob suddenly stops working or doesn’t respond when you press the buttons, the first thing you should check is the battery. If the battery is low, the key fob won’t work correctly.

2. Weaker Transmission

When the battery in your BMW key fob is low, the transmission of the signal from the key fob to the car will become weaker.

This means that you will need to get closer to the car to lock and unlock it. If you notice this happening, it’s a sign that your key fob battery will need to be replaced soon.

3. Longer Response Time

Another sign of a low battery in your BMW key fob is a longer response time.

When the battery is weak, the signal from the key fob will take longer to reach the car’s receiver, causing a delay in either locking or unlocking the car.

Replacing the Battery in Your BMW Key Fob

Replacing the battery in your BMW key fob is a straightforward process that you can do yourself. Here are the steps to follow:


Open the Key Fob

You can open the key fob by finding the seam line on the side of the device and using a small flathead screwdriver to pry it open gently. You may also need to remove a small screw to access the battery compartment.

2. Remove the Old Battery

Once the key fob is open, remove the old battery by gently prying it out using a small flathead screwdriver.

3. Insert the New Battery

Insert the new battery into the key fob’s battery compartment, ensuring that the positive (+) side faces up.

4. Close the Key Fob

Close the key fob by gently pressing it together and ensuring that it snaps into place.

Replace any screws that you removed.


In conclusion, understanding the different types of batteries used in BMW key fobs and the signs that indicate when the battery needs to be changed is vital to ensuring that your car’s key fob works correctly. You can replace the battery yourself, following the steps we discussed.

Remember to dispose of the old battery responsibly and use only genuine BMW replacement batteries. By following these guidelines, you can preserve the life of your key fob and enjoy the convenience of unlocking, locking and starting your car effortlessly.

How Often Should You Change The Battery In A BMW Key Fob? The battery life of your BMW key fob can vary depending on usage and battery quality.

However, it is generally recommended to replace the battery every two to three years. Replacing the battery on time ensures that your key fob continues to function effectively, eliminating the risk of the device failing when you need it the most.

If you are uncertain about when to replace the battery, you can conduct a simple test to assess the battery’s health and avoid any unexpected malfunction of the key fob. To test the battery, hold the key fob towards your car and press any button.

If the key fob transmits properly, you will hear a locking and unlocking sound from the car. If the button press is unresponsive, or the sound from the car is marred, it means you should change the battery.

Choosing the Right Battery for Your BMW Key Fob

Choosing the right battery for your BMW key fob is crucial to ensure the continued longevity of the device. It’s advisable to choose OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) batteries to maintain peak performance.

Some other factors to consider while selecting a battery for your BMW key fob include:

1. Battery Replacement Code

Every BMW key fob comes with a battery replacement code.

Manufacturers utilize these codes for identifying the correct battery type and size to use with your key fob. When looking for a new battery, be sure to reference the code to get the right fit.

2. Lithium Coin Cell Battery

As mentioned earlier, Lithium Coin Cell batteries are the most common type of battery used in BMW key fobs.

When purchasing, ensure that the battery has a 3V nominal voltage and is the appropriate size for your key fob. 3.

Rechargeable Battery

If your BMW key fob uses a rechargeable battery, replacing the battery may be a little trickier than a Lithium Cell battery. It is advisable to use the battery recommended and sold by the manufacturer as using the wrong type may damage not only the battery, but also the charging circuit.

4. Battery Shelf Life

The battery’s shelf life should be taken into consideration as well.

The date of manufacturing or expiry dates marked on the packaging and should give you an overview of the battery life before usage. Failure to check the shelf life may lead to premature replacement or even having the battery fail right after installation if not stored properly.

5. Battery Durability

Another important factor to consider is the battery’s durability.

The recommended battery should be able to withstand extreme temperatures, high humidity, and vibration to prevent damage to the key fob’s internal components.

Remember, regardless of the battery used, you should dispose of the old battery responsibly.

Any used batteries can be harmful to the environment and should be recycled right after usage.


In conclusion, replacing the battery in your BMW key fob regularly is essential for maintaining the device’s efficiency. OEM batteries come highly recommended, and you should make battery changes according to your manufacturer’s recommended schedule.

Clear signals from the key fob indicate when the battery life is low, and you need a replacement. To choose the right battery for your BMW, consider the replacement codes, battery type, durability, shelf life, and, most importantly, environmental impact.

By following these guidelines, you will keep your BMW key fob working for an extended period, reducing the chances of surprising malfunctions.

Tools Needed for Changing The Battery in a BMW Key Fob

Changing the battery in your BMW key fob is a task that you can do easily. Most of the tools needed can be found easily in your home, but it is essential to have the right tools for a smooth process.

Some of the tools required to change the battery of your BMW key fob include:

1. Small Flathead Screwdriver

A small flathead screwdriver is an essential tool while changing the battery in your BMW key fob.

It is used to pry open the key fob that houses the battery. Many of the battery compartments in BMW key fobs require a screwdriver to open, making it necessary to have a small flathead screwdriver available.

2. Replacement Battery

You will need a replacement battery that is compatible with your BMW key fob.

As discussed earlier, a Lithium Coin Cell battery is the common type of battery used, and a rechargeable battery can be used alternatively. You can find the exact battery replacement code printed in your key fob or consult your car’s manual for more information.

Step-by-Step Guide to Changing the Battery in a BMW Key Fob

Now that we know the different types of batteries used and the essential tools needed let’s proceed with the step-by-step guide on how to replace the battery in your BMW key fob. 1.

Identify Your Key Fob

Identify your BMW key fob model to confirm the type of battery replacement code required. You can consult your car’s manual to identify the specific code used in your key fob.

2. Open the Key Fob

Locate the key fob’s battery compartment, which is usually located on the outside case.

Use a small flathead screwdriver to pry open the key fob gently. Some battery compartments may require unscrewing, so ensure that you have a screwdriver set that can fit in the screws.

3. Remove the Old Battery

Once the key fob is open, remove the old battery by gently prying it out using the flathead screwdriver.

Remove the battery slowly, so as not to damage any components attached to the battery. 4.

Insert the New Battery

Insert the new battery into the battery compartment, ensuring that the positive (+) side of the battery faces up. Push the battery in until it snaps into place.

Ensure that the new battery is clipped in and secure. 5.

Close the Key Fob

After you have inserted the new battery, and confirmed its secure, press the key fob together by ensuring it clicks or snaps back into place. Some key fob models may require screwing in place, so ensure that you do not forget to replace the screws if needed.

6. Test the Key Fob

Test the key fob by pressing any button to check if the new battery is working correctly.

Hold the key fob toward the car and press any button. If the car locks, unlocks, or makes the appropriate sound, you have successfully changed the battery.

If not, then check the battery’s installation and orientation before testing again.


In conclusion, changing the battery in your BMW key fob is a task you can do easily with a few basic tools and a new replacement battery. Finding the right battery replacement code, opening the key fob and safely replacing the battery is an easy process most owners can execute on their own.

The process takes a few minutes to complete. Stick to the recommended battery replacement schedule outlined in the owner’s manual, and remember to properly dispose of the old battery.

By following the guidelines mentioned above, you can be assured that the process of changing your BMW’s key fob battery is easy and inexpensive.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Changing the Battery in a BMW Key Fob

Changing the battery in a BMW key fob is a simple task, but there are some common mistakes that people may make during the process. By being aware of these mistakes, you can avoid them and ensure a smooth battery replacement.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid:

1. Using the Wrong Battery Type or Size

Using the wrong battery type or size is a common mistake when changing the battery in a BMW key fob.

It is essential to check the battery replacement code or consult your car’s manual to ensure you purchase the correct battery for your specific key fob model. Using the wrong battery can lead to compatibility issues and may damage the key fob.

2. Mishandling the Key Fob

When prying open the key fob, it is crucial to be gentle and take care not to mishandle the key fob or force it open.

Applying excessive pressure or using excessive force can cause damage to the key fob’s casing or internal components. Take your time and be patient while opening the key fob to minimize the risk of damage.

3. Installing the Battery Upside Down

Installing the battery upside down is another common mistake.

Make sure you pay attention to the correct orientation of the battery, with the positive (+) side facing up. Installing the battery upside down can prevent the key fob from functioning correctly, and you may need to redo the process.

4. Failing to Securely Close the Key Fob

After replacing the battery, it is crucial to securely close the key fob to prevent the battery from accidentally falling out or the key fob from getting damaged.

Ensure that the key fob clicks or snaps back into place, and if necessary, use screws to secure the casing. A loose or improperly closed key fob may cause the battery connection to become loose, resulting in a malfunctioning key fob.

5. Not Testing the Key Fob After Battery Replacement

One mistake that people often overlook is failing to test the key fob after replacing the battery.

Even though the new battery is installed correctly, it is essential to ensure that the key fob is functioning as intended. Test the key fob by pressing any button and verifying that it locks, unlocks, or makes the appropriate sound.

Testing the key fob ensures that the battery replacement was successful.

How to Test a BMW Key Fob Battery for Voltage and Functionality

Testing a BMW key fob battery for voltage and functionality is crucial to ensure that the battery is in good condition and will last. Here are the steps to properly test a BMW key fob battery:


Check Battery Voltage with a Multimeter

To test the battery voltage, you will need a multimeter. Set the multimeter to the DC voltage setting and ensure it is calibrated correctly.

Then, touch the multimeter leads to the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals of the battery. The multimeter should display the battery’s voltage.

For a Lithium Coin Cell battery, the voltage should be around 3 volts. If the voltage is significantly lower, it indicates that the battery is low and needs replacement.

Rechargeable batteries may have a slightly different voltage range, depending on the model and manufacturer. 2.

Test Key Fob Functionality

To test the functionality of the key fob, stand close to your car and press any button on the key fob. Check if the car locks, unlocks, or makes the appropriate sound.

Ensure that the signal transmits effectively and that the range is sufficient for your needs. If the key fob does not respond or if the range is significantly reduced, it may indicate a weak battery.

In such cases, it is recommended to replace the battery even if the voltage appears to be within the acceptable range. Remember, testing the battery and functionality periodically is essential to maintain a reliable key fob.

It is recommended to test the key fob at least once a month or before any long trips to ensure peace of mind and avoid unexpected battery failures.


In conclusion, by avoiding common mistakes and properly testing a BMW key fob battery for voltage and functionality, you can ensure that your key fob operates smoothly and reliably. Always use the correct battery type and size, handle the key fob with care, install the battery correctly, securely close the key fob, and test its functionality after battery replacement.

Testing the battery voltage with a multimeter and checking the key fob’s functionality periodically will help you identify any issues or low battery levels. By following these guidelines, you can maintain a functional and efficient BMW key fob, enhancing the overall ownership experience.

Replacing the BMW Key Fob If the Battery Cannot Be Changed

While changing the battery in a BMW key fob is a common task, there may be instances where the key fob is designed in such a way that the battery cannot be easily replaced. In such cases, replacing the entire key fob becomes necessary.

Here’s what you need to know about replacing a BMW key fob if the battery cannot be changed:

1. Check for Non-Replacement Battery Design

Before assuming that the battery cannot be changed, it is essential to confirm if your key fob has a design that doesn’t allow for battery replacement.

Some BMW key fobs are designed with a sealed unit that does not provide access to the battery compartment. In these cases, the battery cannot be replaced separately, and the entire key fob needs to be replaced.

2. Purchase a Replacement Key Fob

If the battery in your key fob cannot be changed, you will need to purchase a replacement key fob.

Contact your BMW dealership or an authorized retailer to obtain a new key fob specific to your car’s model and year. It’s important to note that replacing the entire key fob can be more expensive than simply replacing the battery.

3. Programming the Replacement Key Fob

Once you have the replacement key fob, it will need to be programmed to work with your car.

The programming process varies depending on the BMW model and may require the assistance of a professional or dealership technician. It is recommended to consult your car’s manual or the dealership for guidance and instructions on how to program the replacement key fob.

4. Transferring Key Blade and Other Components

When you receive the replacement key fob, it may not have the key blade or other necessary components attached.

You will need to transfer the key blade and any other components from the old key fob to the new one. Use a small screwdriver or an appropriate tool to carefully remove the key blade and any other required components and securely attach them to the replacement key fob.

Troubleshooting Other BMW Key Fob Issues Besides a Dead Battery

In addition to a dead battery, there can be other issues with a BMW key fob that may require troubleshooting. Here are some common issues you may encounter and their possible solutions:


Unresponsive Buttons

If the buttons on your key fob become unresponsive, it may indicate a problem with the internal circuitry or buttons. Try cleaning the key fob’s buttons using a gentle cleaner or rubbing alcohol.

If cleaning doesn’t resolve the issue, professional repair or replacement may be necessary. 2.

Key Fob Not Syncing with the Car

If the key fob is not syncing with your car or the car does not recognize the key, it may indicate a communication issue. First, try holding the key fob close to the car and locking or unlocking the car to re-establish the connection.

If the problem persists, try replacing the key fob battery, as a weak battery can affect the signal strength. If none of these solutions work, it may require professional diagnosis and potentially reprogramming the key fob.

3. Damaged Key Fob Casing

If the casing of your key fob becomes damaged, it can compromise the functionality of the key fob.

Damaged casing may cause responsiveness issues or prevent the buttons from working properly. In such cases, replacing the key fob casing or getting a new key fob is recommended.

4. Water Damage

Exposure to water or moisture can cause the key fob to malfunction.

If your key fob gets wet, remove the battery immediately and dry it thoroughly before attempting to use it again. If the key fob does not work even after drying, it may require repair or replacement.

It’s important to note that if troubleshooting does not solve the issue with your BMW key fob, consulting a professional or visiting a BMW dealership is recommended. They have the expertise and specialized equipment to diagnose and resolve complex key fob issues.


In conclusion, if the battery in your BMW key fob cannot be changed, replacing the entire key fob becomes necessary. Contact your BMW dealership or an authorized retailer to purchase a replacement key fob and follow the recommended programming procedures.

Additionally, troubleshooting other key fob issues, such as unresponsive buttons, syncing problems, damaged casing, or water damage, requires some basic steps like cleaning, battery replacement, or professional assistance if necessary. By addressing these issues promptly and correctly, you can ensure the continued functionality and reliability of your BMW key fob.

Does Keyless Entry Affect the Lifespan of a BMW Key Fob Battery? One question that often arises is whether keyless entry affects the lifespan of a BMW key fob battery.

Keyless entry is a feature that allows you to lock or unlock your car without physically inserting the key into the door lock. Instead, the key fob communicates wirelessly with your car to perform these functions.

Keyless entry does have an impact on the lifespan of the key fob battery, but the extent of that impact can vary. Keyless entry systems use radio frequency signals to communicate between the key fob and the car.

When you use keyless entry, the key fob constantly emits a low-power radio signal to establish a connection with your car. This continuous communication can drain the battery faster than if the key fob was not constantly transmitting.

However, the impact of keyless entry on battery life can vary depending on several factors. These include the model of your BMW, the distance between the key fob and the car, the frequency of keyless entry usage, and even environmental conditions.

Newer BMW models often come equipped with energy-saving features that help preserve battery life. These features can include power-saving sleep mode functionality or automatically reducing the frequency of communication between the key fob and the car when the key fob is stationary.

These features can help extend the battery life of the key fob even with frequent keyless entry usage. The distance between the key fob and the car can also affect battery life.

If you are within a short range of your car, the key fob can establish a strong and efficient connection with the car, using less power to maintain the communication. However, if you are further away from the car, the signal becomes weaker, and the key fob needs to increase its transmission power, leading to faster battery drain.

Factors such as extreme temperatures and high humidity can also impact the battery life. Exposure to these conditions can cause the battery to deteriorate more quickly, reducing its lifespan.

In conclusion, keyless entry does have an impact on the lifespan of a BMW key fob battery. Continuous transmission between the key fob and the car can drain the battery faster.

However, newer BMW models with energy-saving features aim to mitigate this impact. Other factors, such as the distance between the key fob and the car, environmental conditions, and the model of your BMW, also play a role in determining the battery life of the key fob.

Comparing the Battery Life of Different BMW Models’ Key Fobs

The battery life of a BMW key fob can vary across different models and even years of production. Various factors can influence the battery life, including the key fob’s features, technology advancements, and usage patterns.

Let’s compare the battery life of different BMW models’ key fobs to understand the variations:

1. Older Models

In older BMW models, key fob battery life can range from 2 to 5 years, depending on factors such as battery quality, the frequency of keyless entry usage, and the key fob’s power-saving features.

It is essential to note that technological advancements in newer models may result in longer battery life. 2.

Newer Models

Newer BMW models often come equipped with advanced energy-saving features that help extend the key fob battery life. These features can include power-saving sleep mode functionality or automatically reducing the frequency of communication between the key fob and the car when the key fob is stationary.

As a result, the battery life of key fobs in newer models can range from 3 to 7 years. 3.

Electric and Hybrid Models

With the rise of electric and hybrid models, BMW has introduced key fob technology specifically designed for these vehicles. The key fobs in electric and hybrid models often have additional features, such as remote battery charging monitoring or pre-conditioning, which can impact battery life.

Due to their advanced functionality, key fobs in electric and hybrid models may have a slightly shorter battery life compared to traditional gasoline models. 4.

Usage Patterns

It’s important to note that usage patterns can significantly affect the battery life of a key fob. Frequent usage of keyless entry, keeping the key fob in close proximity to the car for an extended period, or exposure to extreme temperatures can all impact battery life.

Additionally, environmental factors such as high humidity or drastic temperature changes may shorten the battery life. To ensure optimal battery life and key fob functionality, it is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines and maintain the key fob properly.

This includes replacing the battery when necessary, avoiding exposure to extreme temperatures, and keeping the key fob clean and dry. In conclusion, the battery life of a BMW key fob varies among models and years of production.

Newer models often have longer battery life due to advanced energy-saving features, but actual battery life can still depend on factors such as key fob usage patterns, technology advancements, and environmental conditions. Understanding the battery life of your specific BMW model can help you plan for routine maintenance and ensure reliable key fob performance for an extended period.

Can You Recharge a BMW Key Fob Battery? While some BMW key fobs use rechargeable batteries, not all key fobs are designed to be recharged.

It is essential to check the specifications for your specific key fob model to determine if it has a rechargeable battery or not. Here’s what you need to know about recharging a BMW key fob battery:


Rechargeable Key Fob Batteries

Certain BMW key fobs are equipped with rechargeable batteries. These batteries are designed to be recharged using a specific charger, typically provided by the manufacturer.

Rechargeable key fob batteries can be more sustainable and cost-effective in the long run, as they can be reused instead of being discarded and replaced. 2.

Non-Rechargeable Key Fob Batteries

Many BMW key fobs, especially those that use Lithium Coin Cell batteries, are not designed to be recharged. These batteries are disposable and need to be replaced when their capacity is depleted.

Attempting to recharge non-rechargeable batteries can lead to damage and pose safety risks. It is important to always use the appropriate battery type and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for battery replacement.

Maintaining the Longevity of Your BMW Key Fob Battery

To ensure the longevity of your BMW key fob battery and maximize its lifespan, certain practices can be adopted. These practices will help maintain the battery’s capacity and overall performance.

Here are some tips to help you maintain the longevity of your BMW key fob battery:

1. Proper Storage

When not in use, it is important to store the key fob in a cool and dry place.

Avoid exposing the key fob to extreme temperatures, high humidity, or direct sunlight. Temperature extremes can affect the battery’s performance and lifespan.

2. Regular Usage

Regularly using your BMW key fob helps keep the battery active and healthy.

If the key fob is left unused for an extended period, it may drain the battery over time. It is advisable to use the key fob at least once a week to maintain its functionality and prevent battery depletion.

3. Key Fob Proximity

While keyless entry is convenient, keeping the key fob in close proximity to the car for an extended period can drain the battery more quickly.

To conserve battery life, it is recommended to keep the key fob at a reasonable distance from the car when not in use. This will minimize the constant communication between the key fob and the car.

4. Cleaning the Key Fob

Regularly clean the key fob, particularly the buttons, using a gentle cleaner or rubbing alcohol.

Dirt, grime, or residue can affect the performance of the buttons and lead to additional battery drainage. Cleaning the key fob ensures smooth button operation and prolongs the battery life.

5. Promptly Replace Defective Batteries

If you notice any signs of a weak or failing battery, such as unresponsiveness or reduced signal range, it is important to promptly replace the battery.

Using a weak battery can strain the key fob and lead to inadequate performance or failure. 6.

Genuine BMW Replacement Batteries

When replacing the battery in your BMW key fob, it is essential to use genuine BMW replacement batteries. Genuine batteries are specifically designed for your key fob model and ensure optimal performance and compatibility.

Using counterfeit or substandard batteries can negatively impact battery life and key fob functionality. By following these practices, you can maintain the longevity of your BMW key fob battery and ensure reliable operation over an extended period.


In conclusion, while some BMW key fobs are equipped with rechargeable batteries, not all key fobs can be recharged. It is important to check the specifications of your key fob model to determine if it has a rechargeable battery or not.

For non-rechargeable batteries, always follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for proper replacement. To maintain the longevity of your BMW key fob battery, practice proper storage, regular usage, key fob proximity management, cleaning, prompt battery replacement, and always use genuine BMW replacement batteries.

By adopting these practices, you can maximize the battery’s lifespan and ensure reliable performance of your BMW key fob.

DIY vs

Professional Battery Replacement for a BMW Key Fob

When it comes to replacing the battery in your BMW key fob, you have two options: doing it yourself (DIY) or seeking professional assistance. Both approaches have their pros and cons.

Understanding the differences can help you make an informed decision about whether to tackle the task yourself or enlist the help of a professional. Let’s examine the considerations for DIY and professional battery replacement for a BMW key fob:

DIY Battery Replacement

Doing it yourself has several advantages:

1. Cost Savings

The primary advantage of DIY battery replacement is cost savings.

By purchasing a replacement battery and taking the time to replace it yourself, you can save money on labor costs associa

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